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  • 15 ideas what to put in footer of web page

15 ideas what to put in footer of web page

Footer of web page is the lower side of the page. It completes the content visually, attract attention, give directions to visitors and contain usual information.

Footer must be functional and attractive. It must contain important elements, which help to find needed information for site's visitors.

What to put in footer

You can put many different elements in there, but you must keep balance between functionality and simplicity. We will list some good ideas for you:

- Privacy, usage terms and copyright are obligatory.
- Address. Contact information can be put both in header and footer.
- Phone number, email address, Viber, WhatsApp.
- Interactive map. Watch your loading speed, it must not drop.
- Feedback form.
- Call of action, for example, buttons "sign up", "book a visit", "sign in".
- Social networks.
- Weather forecast.
- Currency exchange.
- Link for downloading mobile app.
- Working hours.
- Ways to pay.
- Brands, partners.
- Popular articles in the site.
- Additional navigation.

Of course you do not need to put all the listed in the footer, because it will be overfilled and will loose attraction and ease of use. You must choose what will make your site useful. Think of your audience, because your site is meant for it, and take into consideration what it wants and likes.