Battle of formats. Part 2

Let's continue to watch as image formats parade in front of us.

       4. WebP

WebP is new to the ring. He went public in 2010 thanks to Google. The goal of WebP is to further reduce the weight while maintaining the same quality.

The format uses a new compression algorithm in which the distortion is different from that of other formats. Deterioration and structure deteriorates, while the edges remain sharp.

What's cool about this guy, WebP:

    • compresses lossless images better than PNG (by 26% according to Google);

    • compresses lossy images better than JPEG (by 25-34% according to Google);

    • supports transparency (alpha channel).

WebP methods are so new that not all browsers agree to work with it. To date, WebP is only supported by Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.

Let's move on to vector formats. GIF, JPEG, PNG, and WebP are raster formats based on a discrete (pixel, dot) representation of an image, while vector formats are based on mathematical formulas (geometric representation of shapes).

    5. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

The size of SVG objects is much smaller than the size of bitmaps, and the images themselves do not lose quality when scaled. Bitmap guys are inflexible, but SVG images can be dealt with. Using CSS, you can change the graphics parameters: color, transparency, or borders, and using JavaScript, you can animate the image.

You can work with SVG if

    • you need to animate parts of the image;

    • change the color of image elements;

    • you need to scale the image without loss.

Other vector formats are often tied to specific graphic editors, so we will end with SVG. We are happy to accept questions, suggestions and requests to make the site for you by phone +371 22334264 or by e-mail