We do not need e-commerce site
- Our business is profitable without online sales.
- We have enough clients, why spend money for web site?
- There are online marketplaces and social networks, why do we need dedicated page?
- We do not have time to do this.
Company owners periodically have such doubts while considering the need of web site for their business.
Internet site is necessary because e-commerce is prospered fast in years 2020 and 2021. Since many offline shops are not accessible anymore, people have learned to buy online. People are spending much time in the internet, this is became a norm and a habit. They are shopping online, chatting with friends, colleagues and relatives and, of course, they are searching information.
People know that everything can be found in the internet. Give them possibility find you there too before they come to your office to make order. Corporate web site justifies expectations, but lack of it negatively influences your image and income.
To put in short, if you do not have your web page, you are losing customers.
Speaking about time, administering web resource and selling online takes not more time than reading your email. Profit is obvious: collaboration with you gets clear for the client. He starts to stay loyal to your brand because knows its values, products and employees.
Not all potential customers are active in social networks, but everyone is using internet search engine.
Optimized sales page really saves your advertisement budget, because customers find you themselves in the internet. Designing and publishing e-commerce site is profitable investment. it pays off in quarter and helps to increase sales many times.
Are you ready to make e-commerce site? Write us!