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Programming and mobile apps, and society

Programming of apps is integral part of design studio work nowadays because everyday life is not imaginable without mobile apps. They are used to easy and quickly make purchases and use services. Inexorable statistics tells us that 62,5% of people around the world are using the internet, audience of social networks is increased to 4,62 billions and people have spent 12,5 trillions hours in the internet in year 2022.

Let's clarify, what are mobile apps. They are like business cards distributed among regular clients. They are programmed to help people to solve some problems.

Mobile apps are used in almost all spheres of life, beginning with work and ending with free time, and including even personal life:

Search of work
Social apps
Ordering of food

There is emerging a new tendency in the world – programming of apps, which solves many problems and does many tasks. Before that apps were made only for solving one task, for example, for contacts or logistics.

What people will choose? One app, which helps to solve 10 different problems, or 10 apps, which are designed for only one task each? Of course one will choose the first option. That's why apps for multiple tasks are becoming more and more popular. For example Chinese app WeChat unites functionality of messenger, social networks and mobile payments in it.

Artificial Intellect is conquering the world too. It is introduced in security systems, search engines, household appliances etc. No one is wondering about smart home or searching using voice today, and these technologies are using artificial intellect.

Today it is the most perspective way to develop mobile apps and computer programs. Using robots everywhere will lead us to situation, where our best friend will become smartphone, because one can talk with it, give voice commands, manage it and set it up without touching the screen.